Starting a post of common text strings on the mud that folks might need to trigger off of:
Spells - Sorc (self)^You feel your resistance to magic leave you.
^You feel your resistance to electricity leave you.
^You finish your spell and your hands begin to crackle with electrical flashes.
^Your mystical cloak disappears.
^The hardened air around you softens.
^The last layer of Inner Winds has been destroyed!
^The last layer of Outer Winds has been destroyed!
^You feel a lot less agile!
^(%w) is flung through the (%w) exit as a strong gust hits
^(%w) is flung to the (%w) as a strong gust hits
^A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
^You finish a spell and the air surrounding (%w) dissipates,
Spells - Priest (target)^You fall unconscious from the rapture!
Spells - Ninja (target)^(%w) leaps at you and drags you through a rift in space.
Spells - Paladin (target)^(%w) punishes you for your evil ways!
^(%w) riding a horse punishes you!
Misc - Located^A foreign presence touches your mind.
^You feel you are being watched.
^You feel as though
Misc - Harmful^(%w) finishes a spell and the air surrounding you dissipates,
Misc - Location^(*) ~[(%w)~].
^(*) ~[(*),(*)~].
Misc - Hit Points & Mana^Hp: (%d)~((%d)~)*Gp: (%d)~((%d)~)
More to come ...