Friday, February 27, 2009

My First Arena Fight

Fought Minion the Occultist in the arena. I didn't do horrible, I guess ... I need to figure out how to max my align :(

A small room where gladiators can rest up after their match.  There is nothing
in the room save a small pallet in one corner. On one wall, a hole can be
There is one obvious exit: leave.

So what is Azod supposed to do again ... ?

Me and Yldannan messing around near the Gnome Homes:

... meh

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Key Phrases

Starting a post of common text strings on the mud that folks might need to trigger off of:

Spells - Sorc (self)

^You feel your resistance to magic leave you.
^You feel your resistance to electricity leave you.
^You finish your spell and your hands begin to crackle with electrical flashes.
^Your mystical cloak disappears.
^The hardened air around you softens.
^The last layer of Inner Winds has been destroyed!
^The last layer of Outer Winds has been destroyed!
^You feel a lot less agile!
^(%w) is flung through the (%w) exit as a strong gust hits
^(%w) is flung to the (%w) as a strong gust hits
^A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
^You finish a spell and the air surrounding (%w) dissipates,

Spells - Priest (target)

^You fall unconscious from the rapture!

Spells - Ninja (target)

^(%w) leaps at you and drags you through a rift in space.

Spells - Paladin (target)

^(%w) punishes you for your evil ways!
^(%w) riding a horse punishes you!

Misc - Located

^A foreign presence touches your mind.
^You feel you are being watched.
^You feel as though

Misc - Harmful

^(%w) finishes a spell and the air surrounding you dissipates,

Misc - Location

^(*) ~[(%w)~].
^(*) ~[(*),(*)~].

Misc - Hit Points & Mana

^Hp: (%d)~((%d)~)*Gp: (%d)~((%d)~)

More to come ...

The Secret is Out !!

Well what I hardly thought was a secret is now no longer a secret all !!! Did that make sense? I have played characters on RoD before this one!! Most notably there was a drow cleric named Roathmohk. That was a very long time ago though and I consider this go around to be "new" b/c I've forgotten all but the most basic functions anyhow. Now I find there are those who are convinced I have a more devious plot in mind ... well I do !!! To try and convince some of my "burned out on MMORPG" friends that they can get the same pk rush on a *shudder* text based game.

Still, there are those that are going to put my devotion to this character to the test. It matters little to me, time will tell whether or not Blix is here to stay. I'm still not sure myself, but so far so good!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Deacon & I

So in my first real raid, Deacon and I wander into Cl'Turk, fight Selas and kill him. During the time it takes to knock down the statue, Hardigan raids CL, but with an anonymous tip randomly shows up to grind on the Cl'Turk crew. It was a short visit ...

Sneak Attack
